Upper Body Technique (Evidence-Based)

Hi, I’m Alex Miller! I am a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist from Vancouver, Canada, known best for helping women heal their bodies.  My online programs have reached hundreds of thousands of women around the world of all ages. 

Since 20012 , I have taught close to one million students from around the world how to get fit and healthy while overcoming unique challenges that only women face. Helping women feel confident and better about themselves is what gets me out of bed everyday. 

I have been featured at some of the most elite fitness studios in the world and my wall to wall packed classes are attended weekly by top leaders in the health industry, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, professional athletes and some of the best known movie celebrities in the world. 

Over the years you will find me featured in podcasts, magazines and several large social media channels for the work I have done helping women of all ages.

Although you will find me across the internet spreading the word about pelvic floor exercises, and my personally designed program, Pelvic Floor Strong,

I have another secret I want to share with you today…

What if you could optimize your bladder function.... and strengthen your pelvic floor and bladder.... from the inside out?

You’ll be excited to know that there’s now a science-backed way to experience amazing pelvic floor strengthening results…and you don’t even have to lift a finger.

Pelvic Floor Strong gives you the support and strength that your body needs on a muscular level, and this is very important.

However, I have found that...

Most women who suffer from occasional bladder issues are also deficient in a very specific nutrient that causes the bladder and pelvic floor to become weak and flaccid…

Along with a host of other common barriers associated with the aging process such as lower bone density, weight gain, decreased metabolism, signs of premature aging and reduced joint mobility, just to name a few.

And the worst part is that most women never realize that they are lacking in this protein because it isn’t tested during annual physical exams.

I’m talking about is

It is absolutely vital in supporting a woman's body as we age.

As levels of collagen inevitably decline in your body as you age, it can cause your pelvic floor to become more frail, your bladder to lose its ability to hold urine, your bone mass may become fragile…

You may experience rapid muscle loss leading to a decreased metabolism and stability, and your daily energy levels decline rapidly leaving you feeling exhausted and drained well before the day is over…

Collagen helps make up the muscles, skin and fascia in the body, including the pelvic floor.

Children have incredibly high levels of collagen, they have everything from shiny hair to plump skin, but as we age these levels start to decline.

In fact, researchers have found, after the age of 25, women lose 1% of collagen every year.

So by the time we are 45 we have lost 25% of the collagen we need to support the body’s everyday living.

And by 65, we have lost nearly half of the collagen we need.

It’s no wonder so many women feel less and less healthy as we age.

Our bodies need added collagen support to

Now here is the tricky part… even though collagen supplements are widely available, they aren’t formulated to work for a woman's body.

You have probably seen collagen advertised everywhere from GNC to your Facebook feed. It’s the most popular supplement right now and there is a good reason for it.

However, 95% of the collagen supplements on the market right now are made up of hooves, hides, bones, and joints of animals or fish.

And while people are ordering it by the caseful, this is troubling because there is no conclusive evidence to prove that the human body is truly able to receive the benefits of animal-sourced collagen…

In fact, some studies show that animal collagen has little to no benefit to the human body.

Just like we would never transplant a cow’s hoof onto a human leg, we wouldn’t expect the molecular structure of bovine collagen to adapt to our cellular needs...

That’s because external sources of
collagen derived from animals are

Humans need human collagen, and there is no supplement on the market that contains the absorbable form of human collagen needed for our unique bodies.

However, after years of research and thousands of trials, I have discovered one powerful plant extract and the exact ratio of nutrients required by the human body to go in youthful regeneration mode…

Causing the body to rapidly and naturally start producing its OWN 100% absorbable collagen again... at healthy youthful levels.

And it all starts with a plant that is grown deep in the tropical rainforest jungles of Southeast Asia, and originated during the Jurassic period.

Women in East Asian cultures have known about its healing properties for hundreds of years and they have used it to help maintain their youthful glow well into old age…

This powerful rainforest plant is called Horsetail after its beautiful delicate and leafy appearance.

The hyper potent extract from the

…like adding fuel to a flame.

So even if your body has lost 40% of its collagen, Horsetail Extract can help re-ignite naturally produced collagen levels to support and slow down the aging process of a woman’s body…

In the 100% absorbable form that ONLY your body can make.

Not only will Horsetail Extract produce MORE natural collagen from within, but it will also help sustain and support healthy levels levels for years to come.

Other health benefits of Horsetail Extract include:

  • Strengthens the connective tissue of the bladder to hold urine for longer periods of time
  • Strengthens the muscles in your pelvic floor
  • Helps fully empty your bladder when urinating
  • Supports healthy bladder function, which may reduce urgency and frequency of needing to urinate, making night time bathroom breaks and “wetting yourself” a thing of the past
  • Helps maintain healthy pelvic floor function

Not only does this have amazing benefits for the pelvic floor region, it also helps the whole body in these ways as well...

  • Helps smooth wrinkles and boosts elasticity in your skin
  • Strengthens and repairs your hair and nails
  • Supports strong muscles and bones
  • Supports the body's inflammatory response and promotes healthy joint function
  • Strengthens the heart
  • Supports a healthy digestive system
  • Supports healthy weight loss

I know, that is a very long list of truly amazing benefits.

And you might be as excited as I was to realize that this simple, but powerful collagen peptide can help our bodies in so many ways from the inside and out.

And for a limited time only, when you purchase 6 bottles or 3 bottles of Female Support I will be including instant access to the original Pelvic Floor Strong System.

Pelvic Floor Strong System

Regular Price $199 Today Only: FREE

This is a digital download product. Image is for visualization purposes only.

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system designed for women 40+ to effectively and safely strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system is best known for its upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage in just 17 seconds a day. It can be done from the privacy of your own home in the morning when getting ready for the day or relaxing before bed in the evening. Never worry about coughing, laughing or sneezing in public again.

Today, there are thousands of women from all over the world changing their lives with Pelvic Floor Strong. This system was thoughtfully created by Alex Miller with years of research behind her.  

Michelle, 40 years

I have been working with Alex for years now and I have never felt healthier or more fit! My body feels so good. She has made me fall inlove with fitness and I actually enjoy exercise now.

Alex is truly an expert and my favourite trainer. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and I couldn’t recommend her more!

Lorna, 79 years

I have been leaking my entire life after having three children. I thought it was normal and I can remember many times being out of the house and I had to rush home because my pants were soaked.

After trying Alex’s program, I have totally stopped leaking. I no longer have to worry about having an accidental in public. It is also a nice surprise that my core is now stronger and my back pain has gone away. All without having to make any changes to my routine! 3 minutes, that’s all!

Anette, 55 years

My anxiety was beginning to take over my life because I couldn’t control my bladder. I have been practicing Alex’s program for the past 10-weeks, and since starting it my leaking has completely gone away. I was able to stop taking my anxiety and acid reflux medication! I have been going for 10 kilometer walks because I don’t have to stay close to the washroom anymore and I have lost 10 pounds already! I don’t have any intention in stopping, I have never felt so motivated to keep up with my exercises.

My wish is for every woman suffering from urinary incontinence to be able to try Alex’s program.

You may have heard of Emily before…

She is known as America's leading healthy back expert.

However, one thing most people don’t know about her is that she used to suffer from embarrassing accidental leakage for many years after the birth of her second child...


“It was impossible for me to do things I used to love.... like go for a run or get up and dance at weddings...and I was even scared every time I sneezed in public.

But then my good friend Alex told me about her program and now I finally have control over my body again and I don’t have to be afraid of those humiliating moments anymore.

Alex, I can’t thank you enough! You changed my life. And I’m so grateful that I want to give a special gift to you and all the other women out there who are reading this and feeling as hopeless as I did.

I know that it’s very common for women with pelvic floor issues to also suffer from back pain...

Back to life.

So today I’m going to give away my back to life 3-Stretch Pain-free program to anyone who decides to take the first step in reclaiming their body with Alex’s life-changing program.

My special Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free program has my three best at-home stretches to help relieve lower back pain and sciatica, Middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just three easy stretches!

This step by step video program normally sells for $49 but today I’m giving it away for free.

Alex has helped me so much and I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to give something back in return.

So as soon as you decide to claim your copy of Pelvic Floor Strong, you’ll also get instant access to my Back to Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video so you can get started today.”



By Pelvic Floor Strong

Order 6 Bottles or 3 Bottles and receive the Original Pelvic Floor Strong System!

Pelvic Floor Strong System

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

Regular Price $199
Today Only: FREE

This is a digital download product. Image is for visualization purposes only.

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

Female Support is our master pelvic floor boosting formulation that is naturally derived and contains the exact amount of extract from the horsetail plant necessary to strengthen the pelvic floor faster than ever before.

And here’s what makes this formula really special…

Female Support is based on science, and thoughtfully curated by my team of researchers to work synergistically for total female health.

We have found, when taking extract from the Horsetail plant, it is important to combine it with other specific vitamins that many women are deficient in, because they all work together as an unbeatable team to support the female aging process.


The name “biotin” derives from the Greek word “biotos”, which means “life-giving”. This ingredient is the most robust, absorbable and highly effective form of B vitamins on the market. I like to call it my fountain of youth in a capsule.

Not only will it saturate your pelvic floor with the exact nutrients needed to support a healthy pelvic floor after living with strained pelvic floor muscles, but it will also improve the health of your hair, nails and skin.

You will notice that your nails will stop breaking and your manicures will start lasting longer, you will start to have way more “good hair days” as it becomes thicker, shinier and more full, you will love looking in the mirror and seeing your skin looking more plump and glowy.

And it can even help with collagen production. Collagen is responsible for keeping our skin tight and youthful.

By adding Biotin into your daily diet in the high levels our formula contains, you will very quickly begin to glow from the inside out while supporting healthy pelvic floor function.

Pantothenic Acid

Pantothenic Acid, which is the scientific term for Vitamin B5, is the least talked about, yet most essential vitamin necessary for women’s health because it turns the food you eat into energy.

By adding Vitamin B5 into your diet, your cells are primed to be able to absorb nutrients faster and better, while creating more energy to keep you going throughout the day.

Vitamin B5 also Improves your digestive tract to support immune health, muscular tone, skin elasticity and firmness and of course… pelvic floor strength.

While pantothenic acid acts as a beauty agent, it also increases your natural collagen production to boost your pelvic floor’s elasticity.

You can use this incredible nutrient to compliment your pelvic floor exercise to see the benefits of Pelvic Floor Strong faster, or use it on its own and still see incredible results.

Vitamin B6

My team of researchers and I felt it was important to add Vitamin B6 to our formula because it supports a strong immune system, balances hormones to reduce menopause symptoms and improves your mood.

But the most important reason of all…

It naturally reduces female stress hormones experienced from everyday activities. Daily stress is the number one leading cause of bladder urgency and frequency. Your “fight or flight” nervous system is linked to the muscles in your pelvic floor and bladder.

When you are stressed, your brain signals to the muscles in your pelvic region and bladder that you have to go to the bathroom, even if your bladder isn’t full.

By flooding your body with the correct dosage of Vitamin B6, complemented by the precise formulation of other nutrients I’ve mentioned, you will soon notice reduced stress levels, improved mood and energy levels, and the number of trips you have to make to the bathroom in a day will be significantly less.

Not to mention you will have more confidence knowing you can rely on healthy bladder function.

My own personal favorite part is being able to sleep more soundly because I no longer have to get up to pee in the middle of the night.

By adding all of these nutrients from our proprietary blend, you will be giving your body absolutely everything it needs to not only optimize your pelvic floor health, but your skin, bones, muscles and joints from head to toe.

Not to mention and helping to facilitate a

And remember, without it, women are losing 1% of their collagen every year after the age of 25…

So it makes sense that a lot of women feel frustrated when over the age of 40 they find that even with their best efforts to exercise and eat right their bodies don’t respond anymore.

They are doing everything right, but they don’t have the collagen on the inside to support their pelvic strength...

When these incredible ingredients are formulated for women, these vitamins help support a healthy aging process, while supercharging the immune system and boosting overall female vitality.

Female Support is manufactured in the United States, in a state of art facility.

I could not be more proud of how our ingredients are

Please remember that I am here for you as a leading women’s health expert… I wake up everyday trying to make sure that women just like you and me are living our best, healthiest, longest lives…

So what does this mean for you? It’s simple…

You can strengthen your pelvic floor… FASTER.

You can optimize your pelvic floor health to combat irregular continence…in almost half the time.

You can give your body everything it needs to return to its youthful vitality… AT ANY AGE.

You can reclaim your energy… TODAY.

of Female Support today

Order 6 Bottles or 3 Bottles and receive the Original Pelvic Floor Strong System!

Pelvic Floor Strong System

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

Regular Price $199
Today Only: FREE

This is a digital download product. Image is for visualization purposes only.

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

You are going to love that your pelvic floor will become stronger faster and easier than ever before.

This formula supports healthy bladder tissue at a cellular level, while naturally reinforcing the skin, fascia and muscles of your pelvic floor.

And you’re going to love looking in the mirror everyday as you notice the skin on your face, neck, chest and the back of your hands appears firmer, while your hair becomes fuller and shinier, feeling like your feminine body is fortified with youthful support.

Here are some of the benefits you will experience after consistently taking Female Support…

  • Supports healthy female urinary system so no more embarrassing leaks, intense and uncomfortable bladder sensations or disruptive trips to the bathroom at night
  • Supports anti-aging benefits to the body showing healthier hair, skin and nails
  • Re-energizes the immune system and promotes healthy bone density

I have had clients experience incredible Female Support results in as fast as 10 days, but because everyone's nutrient levels are different depending on your age, for some it can take up to 6 weeks so I encourage you to stay consistent.

I am also pleased to share with you that you will receive a one year money back guarantee.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your results from Female Support, you can return the product and we will give you your money back, no questions asked. You can even send back empty bottles and we will give you a full refund. That’s how confident I am that this solution is going to work for you.

You have two options.

Option A

You take the slower route and start with Pelvic Floor Strong and see what kind of difference it will make.

I’m sure you will start to feel a difference, but you will only be addressing one layer of the problem. You could be doing everything right with the exercises, but if the body is not being supported against collagen loss it’s going to be an uphill battle.

You fully commit to your health and give your body everything it’s needing outside and in, adding youthful radiance back into your life and rocketfuel to your results.

This is a limited time offer and you won’t see this discounted pricing anywhere else. And the best part is, everything is natural. There are no toxic chemicals or medication involved.

Change your life today by boosting your pelvic floor and reclaiming your youthful vitality.

And before you leave this page, I have one more special discount for you…if you order within the next 15 minutes I will give you free shipping. So there you have it, zero risk and all of the vitality you could ever wish for.

of Female Support

Order 6 Bottles or 3 Bottles and receive the Original Pelvic Floor Strong System!

Pelvic Floor Strong System

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

Regular Price $199
Today Only: FREE

This is a digital download product. Image is for visualization purposes only.

Pelvic Floor Strong™ is an at-home video system containing gentle stretches and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and core. This system contains the upper body alignment technique to stop bladder leakage - all it takes is 17 seconds!

For a Limited Time Only: Receive Emily Lark’s Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free Program to relieve low back pain and sciatica, middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just 3 easy stretches. Valued at $49.

Guarantee Badge.
365 Days Money Back Guaranteed

If you are not 100% satisfied with your results from Female Support, you can return the product and we will give you your money back.

No questions asked!

ATTENTION!! Do not leave this page without completing your order because your discount is NOT guaranteed past today!

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